Верхнее меню

Comparative Analysis of Conventional Production Model and Smart Factories

E.O. Kasyanenko
A.V. Shymchenko
S.V. Salkutsan
assistant, the Institute of Advanced Production Technology, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
senior teacher, the Institute of Advanced Production Technology, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
senior teacher, the Institute of Advanced Production Technology, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg


  • smart factories
  • advanced production technologies
  • Internet of goods
  • big data
  • industrial revolution
  • efficiency of design and production
  • digital technology
  • intensification of smart environment development
  • We carry out the comparative analysis of hi-tech production based on smart factory model and conventional approach to manufacturing. Considering the advantages of the transition to the new production model we have revealed, we can make a conclusion that in the nearest 10-20 years the world will see new markets offering consumers advanced technological solutions and fundamentally new products and services.
    According to the experts, Internet technologies can contribute to the transition to a new industrial revolution characterized by fully automated digital manufacturing, real-time artificial intelligence systems constantly interacting with external environment with the prospect of establishing a global manufacturing network of goods and services.

    188300 Russia, Leningrad region, Gatchina, st. Roshchinskaya, 5