Верхнее меню

Digital Platforms for Development and Implementation of Innovation Projects of Institutions of Higher Education

S.Yu. Veredinskiy
V.V. Makarov
M.G. Slutskiy
senior lecturer, the Department of Economics and Management of Information Communications, the Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, PhD in Economics
Head of the Department of Economics and Management of Information Communications, the Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Doctor of Economics, professor
senior lecturer, the Department of Economics and Management of Information Communications, the Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, PhD in Economics
St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg


  • innovation project
  • research
  • institution of higher education
  • digital platforms
  • business models of communication platforms
  • We demonstrate the need to foster research and innovation activity at institutions of higher education due to a more intensive competition for school leavers at international market caused by the pandemic. The transition of business processes in research and innovation activities to digital format is suggested. The transition to digital platforms in developing and promoting innovation projects will enable institutions of higher education to establish digital community, i.e. a partnership network made up of specialized digital platforms. Such integrated network of digital platforms will become a “nutrient medium” for the growth of innovation projects and development of students’ research.

    188300 Russia, Leningrad region, Gatchina, st. Roshchinskaya, 5