ISSN 1995 - 1248
Role of Tourist Portals of Russian Arctic in Tourism Development under Digital Economy
We examine the role of official tourist Internet portals of territories in promoting the regions of the Russian Arctic. The study showed a low popularity of tourist portals of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation due to limited functionality, lack of information and low integration with...
Skills Approach to Competency Assessment
The article focuses on the implementation of a competency-based or skills approach to the assessment of a worker’s competencies and describes basic approaches in the area of management of the organization with outlining the relation and differences between the ones.
The authors disclose...
Sovereignty of Power and Situational Legality: Certain Theoretical Constructions
We look at the problems of legislator’s right as a sovereign of power to adopt, amend, supplement, abolish, abrogate legal acts in emergency situations. Due to the need to revise a number of axiomatic provisions of the general theory of law, we introduce and substantiate the term of situational...
Specific Features of Creating Territorial Space of Tourist Destination in the Russian Federation
The article thoroughly examines theoretical framework of tourist and recreation related zoning in the Russian Federation. The paper presents the author’s table of key terms and phrases dealing with spatial tourist and recreational orientation, and offers a definition of the concept of...
Specificities of Operational and Investigative Activity Performed by Officials and Operational Units of States Abroad by the Case of UK and Germany
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the operational and investigative activities by officials in the United Kingdom and Germany. In Russia just like in Great Britain and Germany, the activities performed by officials engaged in operational and investigative efforts aimed to combat...
The Analysis of Educational Level Accounting Factors When Assessing Crime in Contemporary Russia
Nowadays crime has been seen to a large extend from the standpoint of penal provisions. However from the point of view of criminology which combines a variety of scientific approaches such an arrangement is not considered to be a universal way. The present article represents an attempt to...
The Assessment of Basic Levels of Managing Scientific Potential in Contemporary Knowledge Economy
The article presents and substantiates basic levels of managing and developing scientific capacity in the knowledge economy. As to the key levels the author distinguishes and characterizes managing individual development path with regard to a separate individual on the basis of implementation of...