Верхнее меню

Improvement of Mechanisms of Development and Support of Minor Forms of Management in Agroindustrial Complex

Ye.S. Pyzhenkova
senior teacher, the Department of National Economy and Organization of Production, State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology; Master of Economics


  • agriculture
  • minor forms of management
  • farms
  • agricultural cooperatives
  • private farm households
  • government support
  • grants
  • We look at the role and the main trends of the development of Russian agricultural producers representing minor forms of management. We analyze the existing mechanisms to develop and support minor forms of management in agroindustry. We assess the effectiveness of measures and make conclusions concerning ways to improve the current programs of small agrobusiness support.

    188300 Russia, Leningrad region, Gatchina, st. Roshchinskaya, 5