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Analysis of Trends and Prospects of Developing Medical and Health Tourism in St. Petersburg

A.A. Latysheva

Based on the analysis of international and domestic research, we consider the key aspects of medical and health tourism. We reveal and analyze negative and positive aspects affecting the development of medical and health tourism development. We carry out a SWOT analysis of St. Petersburg market...

Assessment of Damage Resulting from Deliberate Bankruptcy

D.A. Senkina

We analyze the doctrine and law enforcement practice concerning damage assessment resulting from deliberate bankruptcy stipulated by Article 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, in terms of describing the damage and estimating the loss as well as determining the...

Automotive Forensic Investigation and its Significance for Correct Qualification of Crimes Stipulated by Article 264 of Criminal Code of Russian Federation

D.V. Avedikov

We look at the grounds and essence of conducting an automotive forensic investigation used in investigating crimes resulting in criminal liability for violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles. We analyze the standard stages of any traffic accident logically following one another and...

Basic Directions of State Policy for Supporting Entrepreneurship

O.V. Burgonov
I.Y. Chivirev

The article focuses on the most significant instruments and tools of supporting small and mid-sized businesses applied both in Russia and in the developed countries promoting for the efficient performance of businesses during economic crisis.
Problematic issues along with relevant...

Certain Issues of Forming Ecosystem of Supply Chain of Goods Containing Intellectual Property Objects

A.G. Getman

The research is devoted to relevant issues of forming an ecosystem in the sphere of intellectual property. We analyze various approaches of the researchers to the essence of ecosystems and introduce the main criteria of ecosystem functioning. We demonstrate peculiar features of supply chains of...

Consequences of Failure to Pay Court Fine by Individual

B.B. Bulatov
A.V. Pavlov

The article provides analysis of the criminal, criminal procedure legislation and Federal Law «On Enforcement Proceedings» which regulate consequences of non-payment of a court fine by an individual. Related legal positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are reviewed. Emerging...

Consumer Extremism as a Threat to Economic Security of Modern Russia

N.V. Dmitrieva
Yu.A. Kudryavtsev

The article describes the concept of and highlights specific features of "consumer extremism" as well as particulars of the manifestation whereof in the Russian Federation. A reasonable conclusion is made whereby consumer extremism might be considered an internal threat to economic security not...

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