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Digital Property Inheritance Problematic Issues

A.A. Bordyugovskaya
Lecturer, the Department of Civil Law Disciplines, State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology


  • information
  • hereditary mass
  • right of access to information
  • digital property
  • property rights
  • digital rights
  • bequeather
  • bequest
  • According to the author in addition to objects of material world which a modern person can freely bequeath there is also a lot of «digital» ones wherefore the article attempts to define a relevant term to be applied when such a potential «property» is included in hereditary mass to wit the information, the right to information, or the right of access to information. In addition, the forms of including such kind of «property» in the inheritance are presented for consideration. Thereupon the article focuses on categorizing the right of access to information with referring the one either to property rights or to digital. The author considers making amendments to customs agreements on online platforms which would allow users to bequeath acquired electronic copies of book/films. Furthermore, the paper presents a number of amendments to existing legislation aimed at legalizing «digital» inheritance.

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