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On Basic Approaches to Mechanism of Legal Guarantees of Moral Damage Compensation as Critical Element of Protection of Human and Citizen Rights and Freedoms

N.V. Orlova

The article discusses basic approaches to the concept of compensation of moral damage in the Russian Federation with a number of restrictions in this field being highlighted. The paper provides examples the results of which are presented in possible ways of resolving certain situations dealing...

On Combating Extremist Manifestations on Internet

I.S. Repin

The article focuses on the relevant issue of fighting extremism on the Internet as well as on related strategies which might help on addressing the challenge. The paper presents analysis of a variety of approaches in the context of the matters under research including legal measures, social...

On Legal Approaches to the Development of Energy Facilities Construction Abroad, Given Geopolitical Aspects of the Russian Presence in Energy Industry of Foreign Countries

S.V. Vasilkova

The article is focused on legal approaches to the development of design, construction, modernization and support of energy facilities operation provided by Russian companies abroad given geopolitical factors, external challenges and threats. The author suggests that corrective mechanisms should...

On Legal Regulation of Setting Admission Fees to Specially Protected Natural Areas

I.S. Ukhanov

Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) provide a significant contribution to the conservation as well as to the study of ecosystems, stabilization of the environmental situation, environmental education and recreation of the population. The development of ecological tourism in Russia, in...

On Some Financial Policy Features within Russian Mobile Communication Services Operating Companies

A.I. Sorokin

The mobile communications business area is an interesting domain for several reasons. Firstly, this business segment is represented by private, non-state companies, and secondly, the business is generated by modern technologies and it both relies on and uses them. Thirdly, the business employs a...

On Tendencies of Regional Automotive Industry Economic Entities Development on Principals of Circular Economy

N.P. Golubetskay
A.K. Pshenichnyy

In conditions of sanctions imposed, Exodus of foreign investors from the local markets, changes within dealer networks and in preferences of client audiences as well as in supply chains automotive industry economic entities are rebooting directions of their activities taking into account...

On the Levels of Criminal Proceedings Rationalization

A.V. Dmitriev
A.S. Vinogradov

The article deals with investigating improvement related issues with regard to criminal proceedings through the prism of the levels thereof. The purpose of improving criminal proceedings lays in its rationalization aimed at increasing the efficiency of criminal procedural activities that is at...

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