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Paradigm of Government Industrial Policy under Sanctions

O.V. Burgonov
A.D. Kyarimova
M.V. Rubashkin

We analyze the influence of sanctions on the national economy and consider the options of mitigating them as a result of government industrial policy. On the whole, Russian economy has managed to withstand the sanctions, though it has suffered certain losses. The losses in question as well as...

Place and Role of Custom as Regulator of Public Relations in the Law of the Federal Republic of Brazil

E.V. Leonova
T.G. Lyasovich

The article analyses the place and role of custom as a regulator of public relations in Brazilian society, taking into account political and socio-economic factors. The study focuses on the experience of using customs in Brazil with regard to the civil law regulation. The authors conclude that...

Planning Activity of Civil Aviation in the USSR after the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945

L.N. Babkina
O.V. Skotarenko

We present the plans developed at the USSR by the Commissariats and the Headquarters of the Civil Aviation concerning its further development after the war, the recruitment of specialists, the creation of a fleet of aircraft of various types for transport and special aviation, the construction...

Prioritarization of S-Factor when Implementing Sustainable Development Strategy in Business

V.V. Kulibanova
E.P. Litvinova

The social orientation of ESG projects is gaining importance under instability as the responsibility towards personnel, customers, local communities and other interested parties contributes to better business reputation, which affects the attractiveness of business for investors. We introduce a...

Problem of Finding Effective Methods of Managing Operational Logistics Activities of Modern Enterprise

A.S. Troyanov

Currently, modern logistics is the key component of business success in many sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation. Under growing competition, active development of new technologies, changing market requirements, new logistics-related problems arise at a modern enterprise. In order to...

Problems of Scientific Support of Formation and Development of Production Clusters

S.A. Ivanov

We look at the problems of the development of the foundations of the cluster theory considering the fundamental changes taking place in the modern society, economic and social environment. We state the need to improve the strategic planning of cluster development as well as the methodology of...

Prospects for Improving the Stage of Institution of a Criminal Case

R.A. Ramazanov

The article discusses issues of improving the stage of initiating a criminal case, analyzes various opinions on the development of this stage, highlights the main problems of the stage of initiating a criminal case, and suggests ways to solve them aimed at improving the situation of participants...

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